Tom and Jerry 真人版电影来了!2021大马上映!

tom and jerry 真人版电影来了!2021大马上映!

卡通片《Tom and Jerry》承载着许多80-90后的童年回忆,而今天大马电影院在面子书上宣布Tom and Jerry电影版即将会在2021年上映,让不少网民充满期待!

tom and jerry 真人版电影来了!2021大马上映!

原版卡通里的Tom and Jerry 本身是不会说话,主要以肢体语言来呈现喜感,而真人版电影也会保持这样的风格,不会有配音演员来强行让它们说人话。

Tom & Jerry – Official Trailer

Tom and Jerry take their cat-and-mouse game to the big screen. Watch the trailer for the new #TomAndJerryMovie now – coming to theaters 2021.

Posted by Tom and Jerry on Tuesday, 17 November 2020