最强AI人工智能——ChatGPT Android版终于上线啦!官方OpenAI宣布,部分地区的已开放给Android用户下载ChatGPT,并且Android 版 的ChatGPT 在功能上与 IOS 版本不存在明显差异,双双都是免费下载的哦!
ChatGPT for Android is now available for download in the US, India, Bangladesh, and Brazil! We plan to expand the rollout to additional countries over the next week. https://t.co/NfBDYZR5GI — OpenAI (@OpenAI) July 25, 2023
ChatGPT for Android is now available for download in the US, India, Bangladesh, and Brazil! We plan to expand the rollout to additional countries over the next week. https://t.co/NfBDYZR5GI